Archives for posts with tag: collage

3D collage stuck onto the back of an old tile / Using everything from beads & pine cones to old broken fridge magnets & pebbles from the beach / Made by Lydia during our private English lesson.

So fabulous!

Here are some seriously ancient illustrations i found that i did, about 5 years ago i think, for GYNAIKA magazine. I had totally forgotten about them as they never got published. They were done for an article about the impending economic crisis in Greece…but since the crisis wasn’t in full force yet, the editors probably didnt really believe it’d ever happen. Or be as bad as it is. So here they are, no longer illustrating an article, but the story of our life lately.

On another note…how different is my style lately!? So weird.

taurus"The man & Mr Smith" illustration > Taxisleeping lionLove doing collages, but i hate tidying up the mess of little paper bits and ripped up magazines.

Game show contestant

Cutting back during economic crisis

Rich vs Poor

Fabric-collage illustrations for a monthly column in Gynaika magazine.